
Posts Tagged ‘One-punch man’

Daily Japanese #76

2013, March 25 Leave a comment

Proverb of the day:

嚢中の錐 (のうちゅうのきり/nouchuu no kiri)

-lit. a drill in a bag (will always poke through)
-A talented person will naturally appear at the top, as a drill in a bag will always poke through.

Word of the day:

沁みる (しみる/shimiru)

-to pierce (one’s heart)
-to soak

Word of the day EX

跛 (びっこ/bikko)

-lameness; cripple (sensitive language)
-mismatched pair (of shoes etc.)

…Live stream channel of Yusuke Murata of Eyeshield 21 and One-Punch Man fame.